TESCAN – Scanning Electron Microscopes – SEM
TESCAN is a major player in the design, manufacture and supply of scientific instruments to the global marketplace. They specialise in producing Scanning Electron Microscopes (SEM) and have established a reputation as one of the leaders in their field boasting almost 2500 installations in more than 80 countries.
Track Record for Development and Innovation
With a commitment to research and development, they have been the first to bring numerous new developments to market including a fully integrated plasma FIB (Focussed Ion Beam) and the Raman Integrated Scanning Electron Microscope (RISE). To this end, they have built a state-of-the-art facility, purpose-designed for developing and manufacturing next generation analytical instruments.
Automated Mineralogy
This commitment and conviction to constantly improve their products by developing new technologies has resulted in the TIMA-X, the worlds’ most advanced automated mineralogy system. This next generation system builds on the success of the TIMA (TESCAN Integrated Minerals Analyser) first introduced in 2011. There are already numerous TIMA and TIMA-X systems installed in Australia, with the system at the Automated Mineralogy Incubator being the most advanced. The automated sample loader makes this system the ideal solution for high throughput analysis. The AMI system is always available for inspection and demonstrations can always be organised.
Close Collaboration with AMI
TESCAN and the Automated Mineralogy Incubator work closely together. The AMI now operates as a test bed for TIMA-X development, while the AMI supports the sale of TIMA instruments throughout the global TESCAN sales network.
Company Details
TESCAN were founded in 1991 and are based in Brno, Czech Republic. This region of the world is famous for electron optics. With a wealth of expertise to draw ion, they have rapidly grown and now offer a range of SEMs that rivals even the longer established brands. They have also established offices in several countries around the world such as China, Brazil, USA, UK, France and Belgium
They also hold ISO 14001 and 9001 quality certifications.