Dr Rowena Duckworth

Mineralogy Manager

Rowena was educated in the UK, with a Ph.D in Economic Geology from the University of Cardiff, and migrated to the sunny shores of Australia after completing a three year post-doctoral study on actively forming seafloor black-smoker systems. She now has over 25 years of experience in the exploration and mining industry in Australia and overseas, and has specialised in petrography, texture interpretation, and micro-analysis.

Rowena has worked on most mineral systems including VHMS, sediment-hosted, epithermal, porphyry, IOCG, skarns and intrusion-related gold deposits. During her mixed academic, industry and consulting career, she has presented papers at over 30 conferences, has been published in peer-reviewed journals, and contributed to several technical books. She also volunteers on several professional committees. As Mineralogy Manager at the AMI, Rowena’s experience provides context in applying geological interpretations of the high throughput mineralogical solutions at the AMI